Mosman Uniting Church
Serving Mosman since 1877
Thank you for visiting Mosman Uniting Church website. We hope our story will be helpful to your spiritual journey. We the people of Mosman Uniting Church aim to be a loving, welcoming faith community, seeking to explore our faith in contemporary, progressive and reformist ways. We provide an inviting place of worship to connect with God, explore how the Bible relates to our present society and are committed to justice, human rights, care for creation and bringing peace into our world. Everyone is welcome. Mosman Uniting Church is with you, with the community. At Mosman Uniting Church, being part of the Christian faith, we have actively worked this year on closing the apparent gap between `religion perceived to be an institution` and `spirituality perceived to be a private matter`. In other ages religion was the public expression of people`s experience of their individual spiritual journey. The aim now is to build a bridge from both directions so that a relevant connection can be re-established. We have been fortunate to be asked on numerous occasions to conduct special ceremonies for significant events in a family`s life journey. We are very intentional in co-creating these events so that they may be a depth reflection for the family. A traditional worship service is held each Sunday at 9:15 am, with Holy Communion being celebrated on the first Sunday each month – to which all are welcome. Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals Use the form on our Contact Page to enquire about a special service. Baptisms are usually incorporated in the Sunday service. Other services by arrangement.
About us
Mosman Uniting Church
Serving Mosman since 1877
Thank you for visiting Mosman Uniting Church website. We hope our story will be helpful to your spiritual journey. We the people of Mosman Uniting Church aim to be a loving, welcoming faith community, seeking to explore our faith in contemporary, progressive and reformist ways. We provide an inviting place of worship to connect with God, explore how the Bible relates to our present society and are committed to justice, human rights, care for creation and bringing peace into our world. Everyone is welcome. Mosman Uniting Church is with you, with the community. At Mosman Uniting Church, being part of the Christian faith, we have actively worked this year on closing the apparent gap between `religion perceived to be an institution` and `spirituality perceived to be a private matter`. In other ages religion was the public expression of people`s experience of their individual spiritual journey. The aim now is to build a bridge from both directions so that a relevant connection can be re- established. We have been fortunate to be asked on numerous occasions to conduct special ceremonies for significant events in a family`s life journey. We are very intentional in co-creating these events so that they may be a depth reflection for the family. A traditional worship service is held each Sunday at 9:15 am, with Holy Communion being celebrated on the first Sunday each month – to which all are welcome. Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals Use the form on our Contact Page to enquire about a special service. Baptisms are usually incorporated in the Sunday service. Other services by arrangement.
About us